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Robinson Family Page

Welcome to The Robinson Family Page, which furnishes historical detail beyond the site index, exploring three generations of Robinson in the line of Thomas R. Robinson of Trappe, Maryland. Also included at the bottom are four generations of the line of Thomas' wife, Nancy McMahan as well as 16 generations of the family of Elizabeth Berridge, Nancy's mother, tracing back to William Berridge of Lincolnshire, England.

5. Annie Robinson (Blann) ‑‑(March 22, 1851‑Sept.13, 1939) Anna E. Robinson was the wife of Robert Arthur Bland. It is she who has been credited with changing the spelling of the name from Bland to Blann, when her oldest son George first went to school and had to spell the family name. George claimed that he himself initiated the change. Ellis Blann, another grandson of Arthur, said his father told him he thought the Blands were from Ireland; also he had heard that Arthur went down to the courthouse and had the name changed legally to help avoid the confusion between so many Blands in the area. While this is possible, it may be unlikely, since Harold Blann says, as a very young boy, he visited his great-grandmother Annie, and, while he sat in her lap scribbling what he thought was intelligible writing, she advised him: “It is very important for you to learn how to read and write properly. Your great-grandfather (Arthur) never learned how to write because he never got the chance to go to school as a child.” (We should add that the name was occassionally spelled “Blann” even at the beginning of the nineteenth century.) Annie was small and thin in older years with brown eyes and dark hair. The family lived in Trappe and Annie was buried in Springhill Cemetery in Easton, MD. Her father was Solomon M. Robinson and her mother was Sarah “Sally” Turner. Their first-born was Thomas (born Oct.12,1849 and died in 1850), and then Annie was born in 1851, two years before the death of her 20 year-old mother. On Jan.18, 1853, Solomon remarried an older second wife, Margaret Ann Seymore (1813-1881). They had a son later that year named William Franklin Robinson, who grew up as Annie’s foster‑brother. The 1850 Talbot Co. census for the city of Easton, MD. shows a 25‑year old Solomon Robinson living with 17 year‑old Sarah and one year-old Thomas. Annie married Arthur Bland on Jan.3,1771 and together they had nine children. Annie lived to be 87, passing away in 1939.


6. Solomon M. Robinson‑‑Born in May 31, 1826, Solomon was the second of six children born to Thomas and Nancy Robinson. According to an unverified source, Solomon's middle name may have been McMahon, his mother's maiden name. Solomon married Sally Turner on July 12, 1848 in Talbot Co. MD (Maryland, Compiled Marriages, 1655-1850). After giving birth to two children, Thomas (1849-1850) and Annie, Sally died Jan.8, 1853 and soon after Solomon remarried Margaret Ann Seymore, who bore another son, William Franklin Robinson, in Oct. 1853. The 1860 census shows Margaret (1813-1881), age 49, living with Solomon, age 34 (occupation farmer), along with Anna, age 9, and William T., age 8, and John McMahon, age 40, who was probably Solomon's maternal uncle. The names of Solomon's brothers are: George Washington Robinson (1822-1880), Charles Edward Robinson (1834), and Noble Lindsey Robinson (b.1836). There was a also a sister named Susan A. Robinson (1838-1914), who married Joseph James. Civil War draft records from 1863 indicate that Solomon and his older brother, George, did military service under Capt. John Frazier Jr., a Union captain from Kent Co. MD. Solomon Robinson survived his second wife by one year, dying on July 24, 1882.


7. Thomas R. Robinson‑‑The father of Solomon Robinson and grandfather of Annie R. Blann, Thomas (1798-1862) lived in Trappe, Talbot Co., Maryland. Although the 1850 Talbot Co. census gives Thomas' birth date as 1796, his birth may have been slightly later based on Parish records which record an Oct.15, 1798 birth in Easton, Talbot Co. of  Thomas to parents Thomas and Sarah Robinson (Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013). Multiple DNA matches to the Nichols family provide further evidence that Sarah Nichols is very likely Thomas's mother; and there is no other Thomas Robinson in Talbot Co. whose birth year is thought to be around 1796-8. (Many trees on include a middle initial of R. for Thomas the son and M. for his father, and while I haven't found a record source for these initials, I am retaining them for ease of identification.)
  Thomas R. Robinson's wife was
Nancy Ann McMahon (born Aug.13, 1803 in Saint Peter's Parish, Talbot Co., Maryland and died after 1850 in Talbot Co., Maryland, daughter of Solomon McMahon (1777-1850) and Elizabeth Berridge (1778-1862). (See below for more on this side of the family.) Thomas married Nancy McMahan on December 30, 1819 in Talbot, Maryland (Maryland, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1667-1899). They had six children in 18 years. She is listed in 1850 Talbot Co. census at the age of 45, dying shortly thereafter (ca.1852). Thomas then married Sarah Harris on January 6, 1853, in Talbot, Maryland. Sarah appears to have previously married a Henry Townsend in 1847. She died by early 1862, as she is not mentioned in Thomas' will later in 1862. She appears with Thomas on the 1860 census at age 45 (born 1815). Thomas is listed in the 1850 census as a farmer in the Trappe district of Maryland born in 1796, with 45 year old spouse, Nancy. He appears to have had a brother, William (b. 1802), who was staying with Thomas at the time of the 1850 census. Next door to Thomas in the 1850 census is his brother, George Washington Robinson, and his family. Thomas died on September 23, 1862, in Talbot, Maryland at the age of 66 and left a will which leaves land to two sons, George W. Robinson and Solomon M. Robinson and also leaves provisions for his other younger sons and daughter but doesn't name them. According to family tradition, Thomas’ ancestors are thought to have immigrated from Scotland.

8. Thomas M. Robinson-- the probable father of Thomas R. Robinson. Maryland Church Parish birth records show that Thomas (M.) Robinson was born Jan.9, 1773 and chrismated at Saint Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church in Baltimore MD, and was the son of
Thomas and Mary Robinson. Marriage records show that Thomas Robinson married Sarah Nichols (1780-after 1802) on July 17, 1798 in Talbot Co.MD.
The marriage was performed by Rev. Bowie at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Easton. Talbot. Probate Records 1794–1812 on Familysearch also lists Thomas Robinson and Sarah Nicols as witnesses for the Dec.13, 1796 will of Mary Martin two years prior to their marriage.   Although census records indicate that Thomas was born around 1795 or 96, birth and chrismation records from Saint Peters Parish, Talbot Co. MD show that Thomas Robinson was born Oct.15, 1798 and lists his parents as Thomas and Sarah Robinson. Assuming the census birth year was off by 2-3 years (as is frequently the case) then these birth records most likely refer to Thomas R. Robinson. Talbot County records in the Easton archives show that Thomas and Sarah Robinson also had a daughter named Sarah, born in 1801. The 1850 Talbot Co. census records indicate that Thomas had a brother, William C. Robinson, who was born in 1802 and was living with Thomas (R.) Robinson and his wife, Nancy Ann McMahan, in 1850 at age 48. (The evidence suggests that William was not married or a father in 1850 and he disappears from the record in Maryland after that. There is also a Pauper's Court mention of a William Robinson that probably refers to him.)

      Another younger Thomas Robinson who is often conflated with the Thomas Robinson who married Sarah Nichols is the Thomas who married Mary Catrap (1785-1823) on Oct. 10, 1808 in Talbot Co., MD and had five children with her before her death. Four of them who are known are: Thomas Catrap Robinson (1816-1889), Ann (1817-1838), John (1818-1908) and Eleanora ( A Jan 23, 1824 Orphan's Court case shows that widower Thomas Robinson petitioned the court to be able to chop and sell wood from unused land that his second wife, Mary Catrap, had previously inherited, income that would help support and educate his five small children by her. The court granted his petition. Records show a second marriage for Thomas to Margaret Pierson (1797-1860) on Aug.7, 1823 in Talbot Co., MD (Maryland, Compiled Marriages, 1655-1850) and together they had at least seven additional children: Eliza Jane, Hettie Ann, Mary Rebecca, Evelina Matilda, Margaret Emily, Lucinda Catherine and Alexander Wesley Pierson Robinson. Talbot. Guardianship Records 1842–1848, Probate Records 1842–1848 on Familysearch records the 1844 will and probate of this Thomas Robinson and in the will Thomas specifies that Mary Catrap was his first wife, which clearly indicates that he did not have an earlier marriage with Sarah Nichols. His tombstone in Easton, Talbot Co., MD  states that he died on Nov. 12, 1844 at age 67 years (Find-a-grave), which places his birth ca. 1776-77, somewhat later than 1773 when my Thomas Robinson (who married Sarah Nichols) was born.
     Curiously, although there are three Thomas Robinsons in the Talbot County census in 1800-1810, none of these census profiles match the known ages of Thomas M. Robinson, his wife and children, nor do I find them listed elsewhere in Maryland (perhaps they were living with someone else who is listed as the head of household?). The 1820 Talbot Co. census does show Thomas'  newly married son, Thomas (R.) Robinson and his wife (Nancy McMahan--both age 16-26), in Trappe, MD in a household with two older free colored persons (a male 26-44 and a female over 45). Records from St. Peter's Parish, Talbot Co., Maryland show the birth of their first son, George Washington Robinson, in 1822 to parents, Thomas and Ann (McMahon) Robinson. In 1830 there are no Thomas Robinsons shown in the census either in Talbot County or surrounding counties, although there are several in Baltimore, but their profiles don't match our subjects either.

    Note:  The Maryland US Birth & Christening Index 1662-1911 (from Baltimore, MD) shows Thomas and Mary Robinson as the parents of a Thomas Robinson, born Jan 9, 1773, who might be our Thomas M. Robinson, and who would be at the appropriate age of 25 when he married in 1778. Nothing further is known of this couple. There is a marriage record of a Thomas Robinson and Mary Ann Sheebrook in 1752 in nearby Queen Anne's Co. MD which could be this couple, but it is somewhat doubtful that they had a child after 21 years of marriage. There is another couple named Thomas Robinson (listed as son of James and Elinor Robinson) and Mary Wilson (listed as daughter of Jacob and Betty Wilson) in New Castle, Delaware who are documented in Quaker records as having married in 1787 and having a son named Thomas Wilson Robinson whose dates are listed as 1799-1838. Since these dates do not agree with the dates of Thomas M. Robinson, and their 1787 marriage date is too late, the New Castle Robinsons can be ruled out as  the parents of Thomas M. Robinson of Talbot Co. MD.

    Possible family of Sarah Nichols. A thorough study of the various Nichols families on the Eastern shore of Maryland (especially Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester counties) combined with numerous robust DNA matches has led me to the tentative hypothesis that Sarah's parents may have been Isaac Nichols and Mary Rebecca Dean (Deane) and that Sarah had a brother named James Nichols (who married Elizabeth Blades). Below I discuss the evidence that supports this supposition, beginning with a brief timeline.

Aug.24,1743- Mary Dean was born in Dorchester Co. to parents William and Mary Dean per church records (Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911). Mary’s future husband Isaac Nichols was probably born around this time as well. DNA matches suggest that Ann "Nancy" Dean (1749-1818) who married John Dean around 1770 could be Mary Dean's sister.

Jan 19, 1779-Isaac Nichols married Mary Dean in Caroline Co. MD (Caroline County, Maryland Marriages, 1774-1815)
ca.1780-Sarah was likely born around this time (if she was about 18 when she married) and her probable brother, James Nichols, was born in Caroline Co. in 1781. James lived until 1844.
July 17, 1798- Thomas (M.) Robinson and Sarah Nichols were married in Talbot Co. MD. (Maryland, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1667-1899)
Oct. 13, 1798-Thomas (R.) Robinson was born to Thomas and Sarah Robinson in Easton, Talbot Co. and baptised on May 26, 1799 (Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013)
1802 Thomas and Sarah Robinson's last child , William, is born. Thomas and Sarah died sometime after this.
     I show 25 DNA matches between Sarah Nichols Robinson and the family of John Nichols (ca. 1749-1799) and his wife Ann "Nancy" Dean (ca. 1749-1818) which indicates that they are probably closely related. However there are mitigating factors: John and Nancy's eldest son John Jr. (born 1770) married Cynthia Gootee (1775-1830), the daughter of my direct ancestors, John and Elizabeth Gootee, and so endogamy may account for some of the matches through John Nichols Jr. and his wife. Also both John Nichols Sr. and later his widow Nancy Dean Nichols left wills (1799 and 1818 respectively) naming their children and they do not include either a Sarah or James Nichols, so this appears to rule them out as parents. Researching further, I found even more DNA matches  (36
matches with 11 over 20 cMs) through the descendants of James Nichols, and his likely parents, Isaac Nichols and Mary Rebecca Dean. While I have not found any documents definitely proving that Isaac and Mary Nichols are the parents of Sarah, there is evidence that James is their son, and we do have a documented marriage date for Isaac Nichols and Mary Dean in 1779 in Caroline Co. which fits well with the birth of their two children in that county ca. 1780 and 1781. Wills: Caroline. Wills 1688–1940 on Familysearch shows the 1784 will of Isaac Nicols which names his wife Mary and his son, James, who is under Mary's guardianship “until he comes of age.” While Sarah is not mentioned, he does name two nephews, Jeremiah & John Nicols, stating that they are sons of John Nicols. This means John is Isaac's brother and Nehemiah Nicols is John and Isaac’s father (Nehemiah and John's wills clearly establish that Nehemiah is the grandfather of Jeremiah & John, husband of Ann "Nancy" Dean). Nehemiah Nicols ( of Caroline Co. MD  left a will dated Feb. 8, 1775 in which he names one of his children Isaac and two others James and John.
      Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911 shows the birth in Dorchester Co. MD of a Mary Dean on Aug.24, 1743 to parents William and Mary Dean. (There is a 1760 will of a William Deane in Dorchester Co. MD who has a daughter named Mary Dean, but he calls her Mary Graham, and his wife is Sarah Cannon so this William and Sarah Deane may be a different set of parents than the William and Mary Dean of the 1743 birth and christening record. We also cannot be sure that the Mary Dean born in 1743 is the same Mary who married Isaac Nichols. If it is, then they would be in their mid thirties when they married in 1779. We would expect that Isaac and Mary were born at least 16-20 years before their 1779 marriage--possibly around 1755-59. Negative evidence suggests that Isaac and Mary may have died before the 1790 census without having any further surviving children (since James' descendants alone match Sarah's DNA and Isaac does not identifiably appear in the 1790 census in or around Caroline Co.). The fact that John Nichols Sr. (, was the brother of Isaac Nichols ( probably accounts for their 25 DNA matches to Sarah Nichols, since they all lived in Caroline County. The same goes for Ann "Nancy" Dean ( if she is a sister or aunt of Mary Dean (b. 1743), wife of Isaac.

     I have traced 5 other individuals named Isaac Nichols in the vicinity of Caroline Co. who are born between 1758-1788 (two in the 1790 Caroline Co. census) and through a process of elimination have ruled them out as the Isaac Nichols who married Mary Dean. One Isaac in particular, born in 1758, deserves mention as many Ancestry trees cite 1758 as the birth year of Mary Dean's husband, Isaac Nichols. There is a Talbot Co. birth record for Isaac Nichols on Jan 22, 1758 to parents Joseph and Mary Nichols (Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911). While it is tempting to identify this Isaac with Mary Dean's husband, there exists some contrary evidence. On pages 13-14 of a  book entitled Joseph Nichols and the Nicholites, it is stated that Joseph and Mary Nichols had three children: Rhoda, Rachel and Isaac, who was born Jan.22, 1758. The book describes Isaac as "a poor infirm child who was disordered with the dropsy" and died in 1773. If this is correct then he is not the father of James and Sarah who were born after 1773. It is not established with certainty that the 1743 birth record of Mary Dean to parents William and Mary Dean in Dorchester Co. refers to Isaac's wife, Mary Dean, however, if the identification is correct then Mary would have been 36 at the time of their 1779 marriage and it would be reasonable to suppose that her husband, Isaac, was of a similar age. Finally, there is one further Isaac Nichols listed in Maryland in the 1790 census in Anne Arundel Co, who  appears married and lives in a household with 3 females and 2 males under 10, which in part matches our expected profile. Although Anne Arundel Co. on the mainland is somewhat distant from Caroline Co. on the Eastern shore of Maryland (except possibly by ferry), this potentially could be Isaac and Mary Dean and their children.


7. Nancy Ann McMahon--The mother of Solomon Robinson, Nancy was born Aug.13, 1803 in Saint Peter's Parish, Talbot Co., Maryland (Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911) and died after 1850 in Talbot Co., Maryland. Her parents were Solomon McMahon (1777-1850) and Elizabeth Berridge (1778-1862) as given in the Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985 on  Nancy married Thomas Robinson on December 30, 1819, in Talbot, Maryland (Maryland, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1667-1899) and they had 6 children (listed above). She is called Nancy McMahan in marriage records, Nancy Robinson in the 1850 census and Ann McMahan in Church records cited below (Ann is a diminutive of Nancy). The 1822 birth of their son George Washington Robinson, lists his parents as Thomas and Ann Robinson. An 1817 Talbot Co. marriage record between Henry Anderson and Nancy McMahan suggests that Nancy might have married at age 14 to a husband who died before 1819 (Maryland, Compiled Marriages, 1655-1850).


8. Solomon McMahan--the father of Nancy Ann McMahan. Solomon McMahan was born on December 26, 1777, in Talbot, Maryland (Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911). He married Elizabeth Berridge and had one daughter with her, Nancy Ann McMahan (1803-between 1850 & 1853). In 1842 Solomon McMahan  made a purchase at an estate, which is the last document attesting that he is alive. I have not found a will for Solomon and he does not appear the 1850 census, which suggests that he died between 1843-49. His wife, Elizabeth, was born on September 29, 1778, in Talbot, Maryland. Talbot County records show that Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth "Burrage" married on Dec.24, 1798 (Maryland, Compiled Marriages, 1655-1850). They had 11 children. Elizabeth died shortly before 1850 in her hometown at the age of 72. The Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1708-1985 contains a handwritten statement, written in 1845 by Solomon McMahan ( Jr.), stating that he was born Dec.29, 1805 to Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth Berridge, daughter of William and Grace Berridge. The same handwritten records show his sister, Ann MacMahan, born Aug.13,1803 to Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth Berridge. The 1850 census  lists her as Nancy Robinson, born about 1805. Records show that Grace McMahan Berridge (1751-1797) and Richard McMahan (1740-1796) were siblings with the same parents.

9. Richard McMahan--the father of Solomon McMahan, was born Jan 20, 1740 at Saint Peters Parish, Talbot, Maryland and died before May 1814 in Talbot Co. Richard McMahan's Talbot Co. MD will, dated March 25,1796, names one of his sons as Solomon. Other listed children are: John (1762-1814), William (1775-1837), Richard (b.1787), and daughter Henny ( Richard's wife appears to be Susannah "Ann" Hopkins (ca.1745-1792), who was born at Hopkins Point in Talbot County, MD. Whether she was called Susannah or Ann (a diminutive form) is uncertain, as is the date of her birth. As she had her first child, John, ca. 1762 and her last child, Richard, in 1787, she would have been 17 at her first birth and 42 at her last if she was born around 1745. In the 1754 Talbot Co. MD will of Richard Hopkins (1675-1754), he mentions a daughter name Susannah who might be "Ann."  (However, the will was supposedly written in 1739 and probated in 1754, so the early date at which it was penned before Susannah's birth is problematic unless there was a later amendment). In "Maryland Births and Christenings, 1650-1995 Richard's wife is called Ann in several entries and she is cited as the mother of Elizabeth Hopkins McMahan (born Feb.5, 1766) and Solomon McMahan (b. 1777) as well as other children (the last, Richard Hopkins McMahan, born in 1787), so "Ann" is the only well-attested name of Richard's wife. (I can find no other records for Susannah Hopkins beyond her mention in her father's will and no vital records for Susannah or Ann. As Ann gave the middle name Hopkins to several of her children and fits in terms of date and place as the daughter of Richard Hopkins, I am inclined to accept the idea that Susannah and Ann are the same person--the mother of Solomon McMahan.)  It appears that Richard Hopkins may have married three times, each time to a wife named Mary.

     Susannah "Ann"'s father, Richard (b.1675) is thought to have married his first wife, Mary Saywell (1698-1726) ca. 1708 (although I have not been able to find this marriage record). Mary was probably the mother of Richard Jr. (, Peter ( and Elizabeth (b.1717) who are named in Richard's 1754 will (his daughter Elizabeth's last name is hard to read but looks like "Mackmyan" but is probably "MacMayhan," for she married John MacMahan.) After the birth of Elizabeth, there are no further children born for several years around the time of Mary's death. Then a Maryland marriage index shows two consecutive entries for Richard Hopkins. The first is a Sept.12, 1723 Talbot Co. marriage  to Mary Resho, and the second is a Sept. 17, 1727 Talbot Co. marriage to Mary Thrift (ca.1705-1755). If Richard married Mary Resho in 1723, this probably indicates that Mary Saywell had already died by then. A 1727 land record refers to Richard Hopkins and his wife Mary, daughter of Stephen Reshun (who owned land on Michael's Creek) and mentions Richard's brother, John Hopkins, who is married to Mary’s sister, Judith Reshun. Resho and Reshun are likely alternative spellings and there are no known children of this marriage. Apparently Mary Reshun died shortly after the 1727 land deal and Richard quickly remarried Mary Thrift, who appears to be the mother of Richard's remaining children (who are named in his will): Solomon (1725-1775), James (1730-1785), and lastly Susannah (, the mother of Solomon McMahan.

10. John McMahan Sr.—the father of Richard McMahan and Grace McMahan Berridge was born in 1715 and married
Elizabeth Hopkins. She is cited as the wife of John McMahan (MacMayhan) and the mother of Richard McMahan in Parish records, but her maiden name is not given. However, the "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013" shows that John and Elizabeth named one of their daughters Mary Hopkins MacMayhan (d. in 1804 in Talbot Co. MD). The use of Hopkins as a middle name provides indirect support for the idea that Hopkins was Elizabeth's maiden name. Elizabeth was born ca.1717 in Somerset County, MD and died after 1760 in Talbot Co, Maryland.  If she was indeed Elizabeth Hopkins, as many think, then her parents were Richard Hopkins (1675-1754) and Mary Saywell (1698-1726), daughter of James  Saywell and Mary Price.  If that is the case then, based on the evidence regarding Richard Hopkin Sr's marriages and the children named in his 1754 will, Richard's daughter, Elizabeth Hopkins, would be an older half-sister of Susannah Hopkins and the mother of Suzanne's husband, Richard (Jr.-born 1740) who was the son of John and Elizabeth McMahan. John Sr. died between 1760 and 1790 in Talbot Co, Maryland.  His parents have not been identified with certainty.
  It may be worth noting that some Ancestry trees continue the line with John McManus of Cecil Co. MD and his wife, Mary Campbell of Cecil Co. MD, as the parents of John McMahan of Talbot Co. However,  I haven't found any evidence that would verify this hypothesis or account for the name change from McManus to McMahan.


   Below is a brief discussion of the lineage of Richard Hopkins (1675-1754) whose three marriages and children are discussed above. The evidence indicates that Richard's father was named Dennis Hopkins. However the records are ambiguous as to which Dennis Hopkins-- Jr. or Sr.--probated a will in 1739, who Dennis Jr's father was, and whether Dennis Sr. had one or two marriages. Land records and Quaker meetings and a 1739 will of Dennis Hopkins serve to provide much of the available evidence in lieu of birth, death and census records.

    Dennis Hopkins was born in Wales around 1643-1647. He first appears in Talbot County MD land records which indicate that he was transported to America about 1663. He was transported by Thomas Hopkins, who is likely his brother. Thomas had a brother named Robert and they established a plantation called Hopkins Point, and in 1695 Thomas bequeathed it to Dennis. On April 25, 1730 Dennis Hopkins, age 56, identified his father as Thomas Hopkins (Talbot County Land Commission 6:163). Yet in a deposition made in 1731, he seems to state that his father was Dennis Hopkins (Talbot County Land Commission 164-165, 166). These two records presents several puzzles: the statements posits that the 56 year old who made the statements was Dennis Jr. (born around 1674,not 1643) and raises the question of whether his father was Dennis Sr.'s brother, Thomas, or Dennis Sr. Authors Robert W. Barnes and F. Edward Wright have written about this family in a book entitled Colonial Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland  In volume 3 of the book they quote two abstracted land records which support a conclusion that Dennis Jr. and Richard Hopkins were brothers and that Dennis Jr.'s wife was named Elizabeth: The first record, from Sept 12, 1709, states "Richard Hopkins and his wife Mary conv. to Dennis Hopkins Jr., two tracts of 100 a. each, both in the tenure of James Saywell [father of Mary Saywell Hopkins, Richard's wife] dec.; one was Hoggsdon and the other was part of White Phillips." (Talbot County Land Records 11:95) The second record, from Nov.4, 1715, states: "Dennis Hopkins and his wife Elizabeth conv. to his bro. Richard Hopkins, a gift of 150 a., part of Hopkins Point formerly laid out for Thomas and Robert Hopkins for 800 a. (Talbot county Land Records 12:222).

    Early records indicate that, after immigrating to Maryland, Dennis Hopkins Sr. married Grace (thought to be Grace Brooke, b.1647, due to the 1673 will left by her mother, Judith Brooke, which left items to Grace Hopkins Jr.) but no marriage record has been found. Dennis and Grace Hopkins are documented as present at Quaker meetings up until 1708 and thereafter we see Dennis Hopkins documented at Friends meetings with a wife named Elizabeth (thought to be Elizabeth DeBruly, 1675-1738, daughter of John and Elizabeth DeBruly). Finally there is a 1739 will of Dennis Hopkins which names  his children as Dennis and Richard, (as well as John, Samuel, William, Joshua, Susannah Parrot & Sarah Bartlett) and names his wife as Elizabeth. In the absence of definitive death reports, some surmise that Dennis Sr. died by 1722 and his wife Grace died by 1709, and that the 1739 will is the will of Dennis Hopkins Jr., the husband of Elizabeth DeBruly. Yet there is a record of a Harwell marriage in 1722 in which Dennis, Grace, and Elizabeth Hopkins all signed as witnesses, indicating that Dennis Sr.'s' wife Grace was still alive (unless this was another younger family member named Grace who married Peter Harwell). Barnes and Wright have interpreted the evidence otherwise, surmising that Dennis Hopkins Sr. was the father of the brothers Richard and Dennis Jr. who are mentioned in the 1739 will, and that Dennis Sr. first married Grace and then Elizabeth, after Grace's death, and lived to be about 96 at which time he probated his 1739 will. The alternative view would indicate that Dennis Sr. and Grace died prior to 1739 and his son, Dennis Jr., husband of Elizabeth, probated the 1739 will in his late sixties, in which his son, Dennis, mentioned in the will, is a third Dennis Hopkins in the line of descent.

    Until more clarifying evidence emerges, I will leave it to the reader to decide and research further. In summary, it seems reasonable to conclude from the dates that Richard Hopkins (, the father of Elizabeth Hopkins McMahan, fits as the son of Dennis Hopkins Sr. ( and his wife, Grace (b. ca. 1647), and that Richard is the brother of Dennis Jr. (b. ca. 1674). Some on-line genealogical trees posit a Richard Hopkins Sr. (born in 1585 in Newport, Pembrokeshire, Wales and died in 1665 in Baltimore, Maryland) and Amelia Davis (1595-ca.1655) as the parents of Dennis Hopkins Sr. but without convincing supporting evidence.



8.Elizabeth Berridge--the wife of Solomon McMahan (1777-ca. 1850), of Talbot Co., Maryland and mother of Nancy Ann McMahan (1803-after 1850). Elizabeth was born on September 29, 1778, in Talbot, Maryland. Talbot Co. Marriage records show that Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth "Burrage" married on Dec.24, 1798 in Talbot Co.,MD. (Maryland, Compiled Marriages, 1655-1850). They had 11 children:  (I have two DNA matches to Elizabeth's younger brother, John Berridge, 1788-1833.) Elizabeth died shortly before 1850 in her hometown in Talbot County at the age of 72. The Pennsylvania Church and Town Records (1708-1985) contains a handwritten statement written in 1845 by Solomon McMahan ( Jr.) stating that he was born Dec.29, 1805 to Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth Berridge, daughter of William and Grace Berridge. The same handwritten records show Ann McMahan born Aug.13,1803 to Solomon McMahan and Elizabeth Berridge. Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013 states that William Berridge (III), son of William and Elizabeth Berridge, was born April 13, 1744 and he married Grace McMahan on Dec.30, 1773. This verifies that Elizabeth Berridge McMahan's mother, Grace was a McMahan. Talbot Co. records from St. Peter's Parish add that Grace McMahan, who married William Berridge (III), was the daughter of John and Elizabeth McMahan (To Maryland from Overseas, p.23 on Ancestry). This shows that Grace McMahan Berridge (1751-1797) and Richard McMahan were siblings with the same parents.

9. William Berridge (III)-- the father of Elizabeth Berridge, was born April 13, 1744 in Saint Peters Parish, Talbot Co, Maryland. On Dec.30,1773 he married Grace McMahan,,who was born Sept.29, 1751 in Talbot Co, Maryland (Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013) and died there in 1797. Her parents were John (b.1715) and Elizabeth (Hopkins) McMahan. William Berridge died in Maryland after 1800. His parents were William Berridge II. (1715-1753) and Elizabeth Bullock (1719-1780). It appears that Grace died before 17797 because Church records dated Feb.13, 1797 state that William Berridge, born April 13, 1744, the son of William and Elizabeth Berridge is married to Sally Peterkin, suggesting a second marriage (Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U.S., Church and Town Records, 1669-2013). Church records also note the birth in Jan.7, 1800 of another daughter named Elizabeth Berridge, who died in 1801, to parents, William and Sally Berridge. William likely died soon afterwards as he does not appear in the 1810 census, although a younger 22-44 year old William Berridge does appear in the 1810 census, who is likely the son of William and Grace who lived from 1776-1819.


10. William Berridge (II)--the father of William Jr., was born in 1715 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England and died Sept.12 1753 in Talbot Co., Maryland. He is referred to in a book entitled British Roots of Maryland Families as "schoolmaster, of Gainsborough." William Sr.’s wife was Elizabeth Bullock, who was born in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England in 1719 and died in 1780 in Middlesex, England. "England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973" records the marriage of William and Elizabeth Bullock on Oct. 14, 1741 in Gainsborough, Lincoln, England. Elizabeth’s parents are unknown. According to the "U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" William (and Elizabeth) immigrated to Maryland about 1744, which would have preceded their son's April birth in Talbot Co. MD. Curiously, the "London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812" records show the death of Elizabeth Bullock on Feb.8, 1780 in St Leonard's, Shoreditch, Hackney, Middlesex, England. The couple are also listed as having two other children in England (but no dates given): Thomas and Elizabeth. However the "Pennsylvania Church and Town Records 1669-2013" records for St. Peter's Epicopal Parish in Easton states that William was born in 1744 to William and Elizabeth Berridge of Lincolnshire, England. Her English burial record would suggest that Elizabeth  returned to England sometime after the death of her husband in 1753. William Berridge's father was another William Berridg (I), born in Lincolnshire, England in 1695 and died in Leicester, England in 1742. Fortunately, local parish records in Maryland and in England provide well documented birth, death and marriage records for the Berridge lineage given here, however, there is not much beyond the vital statistics known about the family.


11. William Berridge (I)-- the father of  William Berridge (II), (March 1695-May 18, 1742)."England Birth & Christenings 1538-1975" records William's christening as occurring on March 16, 1695 in Waddingham, Lincolnshire, England and lists his parents as John and Ann Berridg. Another entry gives his wife's name as Ellen, but nothing further is known of her. "England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991" records William's burial on May 18, 1742 in North Kilworth, Leicester, England.

12. John Berridge (Jr.) -- the father of  William Berridg (I) was born April 5, 1663 in Redbourne, Lincolnshire, England and died March, 1720 in Waddingham, Lincolnshire, England. He married Ann Robinson (16), daughter of John and Isabel Robinson. Nothing further is known of Ann's parents, except that they had another daughter named Sarah. Ann was born Feb.16, 1665 in Owersby, Lincolnshire, England and died Sept.21,1708 in Waddington, Lincolnshire, England.

Ann and John Berridg were married in Waddingham on Oct.9,1684 ("England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973" index). The parents of John Berridg (Jr.) were John Berridge (Sr.) and Isabel Pibourne.

13. John Berridge (Sr.) -- the father of John Berridge (Jr.) was born April 5, 1663 in Redbourne, Lincolnshire, England and died March 1, 1720 in Waddingham, Lincolnshire, England. He married Isabel Pibourne who was born Jan. 26, 1640 in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England and died ca. 1685 in Redbourne, Lincolnshire, England. Isabel was the daughter of John Pibourne (ca.1625-ca.1640)and Dorathie Donnyll (ca.1618-ca.1640) of Lincolnshire, England. Nothing further is known of Isabel's parents. John Berridge's parents were Henry Berridge and Elizabeth Noble.

14. Henry Berridge -- the father of John Berridge (Sr.) was born in Ingoldsby, Lincolnshire, England on ca.1613 and was buried in Lincolnshire on Dec.7, 1673  ('England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991"). Per marriage records, on Sept.3, 1637 Henry married Elizabeth Noble in St Peter, Lavington, Lincolnshire. Elizabeth Noble was christened at Wood Enderby, Lincolnshire, England on June 16, 1615 ("England Birth and Christening 1538-1975"). She was buried at East Carlton, Northamptonshire, England on Dec.28, 1645 ("Northamptonshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1532-1812"). Henry's parents were John Berridge and Frances Wadsley.

15. John Berredge -- the father of Henry Berridge, John was baptised  on March 10, 1580 in All Saints, Gainsborough, Lincoln, England. His father is listed as William Berredge. ("England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975")  On May 19, 1608 John married Frances Wadsley in Fiskerton, Lincoln, England ("England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"). Parish registers show that John was buried on Jan. 19, 1613 in Warmington, Northamptonshire, England. His wife Frances was buried March 23, 1682 in Coningsby, Lincoln, England.("England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991"). Nothing further is known about her parents. The parents of John were William Burredge and Ellen Brommitt.

16. William Burredge -- the father of John Berredge, William lived from ca.1555-ca.1580. In Nov.16, 1578 William married Ellen Brommitt (Dec.1, 1555-1580) at All Saints, Gainsborough, Lincoln, England ("England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"). Both William and Ellen died in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England ca.1580.  William's father is  thought to be Thomas Berridge, although this is not clear in the records."England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991" documents the name of Thomas Berridge's wife as Frances and the name of another son, Richard (but doesn't mention William, making the identification less certain. ) Some Ancestry trees list no wife for Thomas while listing Thomas Sr. as Thomas' father and his mother as Frances Mann, however no other evidence is given for this. At this point, Lincolnshire parish records document the Berridge lineage no further. William is the end of line.

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