Andrew Family Page
Welcome to The Andrew Family Page, which furnishes historical detail beyond the site index, exploring four generations of Andrews in the line of George Andrew Sr. of Somerset County, Maryland.
8. Ann "Nancy" Andrew --Nancy was the mother of Garretson Turner and wife of Thomas Turner. Nancy, born on Sept.25, 1761 was the oldest of three daughters of Richard and Sarah Andrew of Dorchester Co. MD. One of Nancy’s older sisters, Rhoda, married Joseph Bland III (brother of George), while one of her younger sisters, whose first name is now lost (1765/74-after 1810), was the first wife of Abel Gootee and mother of Sally Gootee. Nancy was married to Thomas Turner on April 26, 1781. Apparently, Nancy moved out of the state of Maryland sometime after her husband’s death in Caroline Co. MD in 1805, and she died in Aboite Township, Allen Co., Indiana on Oct.25, 1839. There were also several marriages during this time period between the family of Joseph Bland and other members of the Caroline Co. Andrew family. Nancy's parents were Richard Andrew Jr. and Sarah Smullen.
9. Capt. Richard Andrew (Jr.) ‑‑The father of Nancy Andrew, Richard was born ca.1722 in Dorchester Co.MD., the only child of Richard Andrew Sr. and Mary Brumwell. He married Sarah Smullen before 1761, and together they had three children. Sarah was born in 1722 in Somerset, Maryland and died Dec. 20. 1792 in Maryland. Per Ancestry.com, Sarah’s parents were Randolph Smullen (1689-Dec.9, 1743) and Sarah Harris (1690-1755), both of Somerset, MD. Richard died in Caroline Co. MD. in 1815.
9. Sarah Andrews (ca.1724-Nov.5, 1799), , who married Joseph Bland II (1718-1800), was the daughter of George Andrew Jr. and Ellen Adams. For more on them, see George Andrew Jr. (#10) below.
10. Richard Reed Andrew (Sr.) ‑‑The father of Richard Andrew Jr., Richard was born April 2, 1687 in Somerset, Maryland (per Christening records from Somerset, Maryland, found in the Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911). Richard died in Caroline Co. MD in Oct. 1776. His parents are listed as George and Tamson Andrew. Sometime before 1729, Richard married Mary Bromwell. (Find-a grave shows a Mary Andrews buried in the Thomas Andrews Cemetery who was born ca. 1700 in Henrico Co. VA and died in 1744 in Chesterfield County, VA, however, as the couple lived in Maryland and was named Andrew rather than Andrews, I suspect the VA grave may belong to another family. Mary was likely born and died in Maryland). Her dates are estimated at ca.1700 to 1744.
Mary was one of six children of Robert Bromwell (Brumwell, or Brummel) and Rebecca Beswick. Robert died ca. 1709 in Dorchester Co.MD. (The names of her parents comes from an old collection of Charts of Maryland Families from the Library of Congress, found on Familysearch at https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t12n5c161&view=1up&seq=13). This, in turn, is based on the Register of Maryland's heraldic families:1634-1935. These documents state that "Robert Brummel" was a planter and died in 1709. His name appears on jury duty in Dorchester Co. MD in 1689-90. He bought 400 acres in Dorchester Co. in 1694, a plantation called "Taylor's Promise." In 1708 he bought the plantation "Partnership," also in in Dorchester Co. His will is dated Jan.25, 1709. He may originally be from England, as one of his name appears in the list of passengers on the "Happy Mary" from Liverpool in 1679 (but some descendants aren't sure he is the right Robert Brummel). Robert's wife's name is given as Rebecca without her surname. Rebecca was the administrator of her husband's estate in 1709. In 1718, Rebecca inherited the estate of her father, Thomas Beswick (1653-1718), in Talbot Co. MD. (Her mother, thought to be named Cicely (Carter?), died in 1718 as well.) Rebecca died in Talbot Co. in 1721 and left will dated Feb.21, 1720 in Talbot Co. in which she cited four children: Abraham, Jacob, Rebecca, and Mary Andrew, as well as a granddaughter, Anna Andrew. (This daughter of Mary Andrew, Anna, lived 1720-1770) Of Mary, the pedigree chart reads "?Richd (?) Andrew exr. of Rebecca Brummel's will." (Richard Andrew is Rebecca's son-in-law.) Robert and Rebecca's first child, Abraham, was born in 1685, so the couple must have been born no later than ca. 1667. However I have only found two Robert Bromwells in the English parish records and they give birthdates in 1632 & 1637, both of which appear too early when compared with their children's ages.
10. George Andrew (Jr.), brother of Richard Reed Andrew, was born Dec.18, 1684 in Somerset, Maryland (per Christening records from Somerset, Maryland, found in the Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662-1911). The christening record also lists the parents of George and his brother Richard as George and Tamson Andrew. George married Eleanor "Ellen" Adams (1690-1745) in 1709, who was the daughter of Richard Charles Adams (1662-1709) and Abigail Williams (1660-1709). Richard Adams left a 1709 will which mentions one of his daughters as Ellen Andrews. George Andrew died March 7, 1755 in Dorchester Co., Maryland. George and Eleanor had four sons: George Andrew III (1708-1773), Richard, Thomas and Mark, and one daughter, Sarah Andrew (ca.1724-Nov.5, 1799) who married Joseph Bland II (1718-1800). Sarah and Joseph are the parents of George Bland. The connection is shown by Dorchester Land Record Lib. 14 fol. 109, dated March 11, 1746, which states that George Andrew of Dorchester Co., MD transferred "to his daughter, Sarah Bran (Bland), wife of Joseph Bran (Bland), Jr., of Dorchester Co., part of "Grantham" cont. 100 acres, in the freshes of Great Choptank River." George also willed a "Negro man named Nase" to his son-in-law, Joseph Bland on Dec.17, 1763 in Dorchester Co.,MD." Sarah was likely born in Somerset, Maryland where her parents resided at the time of her birth. (Sarah's date of birth is uncertain. If she was 18 when she married ca. 1746 she would have been born ca. 1724. Many Ancestry.com trees list her birth as occurring in Staffordshire, England in 1706, but this is unlikely as her parents resided in Maryland at that time.) Sarah and her husband Joseph Bland Jr. are listed in the 1790 Caroline Co. census. Sarah died in 1799 in Caroline Co., MD.
11. George Andrew (Sr.) -- The father of Richard Andrew (Sr.) and George Andrew (Jr.) was born ca. 1652 and first appears in Somerset Co. MD. twenty years later. Many Ancestry.com trees list his birth as Dec.7, 1653 in Northamptonshire, England, but without supporting records. If George was born in England, he immigrated to Maryland prior to his marriage in 1772, however, he may have been born in Maryland, where he died ca. 1708 in Somerset, MD. (Alternatively, Wikitree lists his death as Nov. 1695 at about age 35 in Caroline, Province of Maryland, but shows no source records for this.) U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s (Source Publication Code: 1243) lists the arrival in Maryland of a George Andrew Jr. in 1756. (If this is our George Andrew and he traveled alone, he would probably have been born in the 1640s rather than our estimated ca. 1652/3, based on his marriage date.) On Sept.22, 1772 in Somerset Co. MD (per Maryland, Compiled Marriage Index, 1634-1777) George Andrew married "Thomason Hurt" ie. Tamison Hart (born ca.1651 in Accoumac, VA, and died in 1700 in Somerset, MD). Tamison's parents might be Robert Hart (1626-1685) and Joan Latten (born 1630 in Virginia Colony and died ca. 1685 in Sussex, Delaware ca, 1685) but this is not confirmed and I have not located a marriage record for Robert and Joan., but only found this contrary evidence: A 1685 Delaware probate record for a Robert Hart names his wife Margery and shows only two children as heirs: Robert and Margaret. Neither George nor his wife Tamison's parents can be identified with confidence. George Sr. and Tamison had five children: John (b.1673), Richard Andrew Sr. (the father of Richard Jr.), Tamison, Alice and George Andrew Jr. (the father of Sarah Andrew, who married Joseph Bland). The only sure vital records we have for George Andrew Sr. are his 1672 marriage to Tamison Hart and the parish records of the births of their children in Somerset Co., MD.
Possible further lineage: Some Ancestry.com trees list (unconfirmed) George Sr.'s father as another George Andrew. Some of the evidence for him is found in the England & Wales Christening Index 1530-1980 which shows a Georgius (George) Andrewes, son of Johanness (John) Andrewes, who was christened on Feb 22, 1606 in Cambridgeshire, England. Immigration Index records also show a George Andrews arriving in Virginia in 1652 (possibly the father of George Sr., of Somerset, MD?). Some Ancestry.com trees list this George Andrew's birth as 1623 in England and his wife as Esther Dunch (born Sept.8, 1633 in Stuntney, Cambridge, England to father Edmund Dunch), but the evidence for this is rather tenuous, with no marriage record for a George and Esther Andrews of the right age to be married in the 1650s. (Other Ancestry trees show, without proof, Esther as married to John Andrew--note: George Sr. and Tamison's first son was named John.) There is a Dec. 19, 1623 church record from Haddenham, Cambridge, England for the christening of a George Andrews, son of Sylvester and Jane Andrews (No further information available on these possible parents). Alternatively there is a 1627 christening of a George Andrew, son of George Andrew, in Eccles, St Mary in Mancester, England, but this is some distance from Cambridge. If we go back one further generation there is more evidence to go on. According to George's 1606 christening records his father was John Andrew. This John is thought to be a doctor and a merchant. Dr. John was born about 1575 in St. Clements, Cambridge, England. John died in Virginia (or Hartford, CT.?) before March 1610 and left a 1609 will in England which names his wife Easter and his children: Clara, Easter (Ester), Francis, George, Richard, William and Elizabeth (all born in England). His wife was Esther Cherington (born in 1575 in Harlestone, Northamptonshire, England and died April 6, 1616 in Hartford, Connecticut.) Dr. John and Esther were married in St Mary, Newington, Southwark, Surrey, England on March 11,1589. Dr. John's parents are thought to be Robert Andrews (1550-1642) and Joyce Makerness (1545-1600).