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Living Open Space: Gregory Blann interviewed by the Guru Viking in 2022

The Garden of Mystic Love: Gregory Blann interviewed by the Guru Viking in 2021

A talk given by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in 1987 entitled "Personal and Planetary Transformation"

Pir Vilayat Khan interviewed by Ellen Burstyn in 1982

Pir Vilayat Khan leads a day long retreat at a Unity Church in Nashville, TN in November 1984. This is part 1 & 2, the opening talk followed by a guided meditation.

Part 3 Afternoon session from a retreat by Pir Vilayat Khan at a Unity Church in Nashville, TN. in 1984.

Part 4 Final session from a retreat by Pir Vilayat Khan at a Unity Church in Nashville, TN. in 1984.

Muzaffer Efendi is interviewed by Lew Ayers around 1980, intersperced with video of the Jerrahi dhikr.

Sheikh Nur (Lex Hixon) giving a talk in West Virginia in 1990 on his book Heart of Koran.

Sheikh Nur (Lex Hixon) speaking at Vanderbilt Divinity School in 1991

 Safer Efendi dhikr in Chestnut Ridge, NY in 1990

Muzaffer Efendi men & women's dhikr circles at Cooper Union 1979


Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi sings English Ilahis vol 1

Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi Ramadan dhikr & meshk

Tarawih prayers led by Muzaffer Efendi 1978

Thy Glorious Vision (words by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
Music composed by Gregory Blann, 1981)

Flowers are the Footprints of Thy Dancing Steps (words by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
Music composed by Gregory Blann, 1981)


Thy Glorious Vision (full album): words by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
Music composed by Gregory Blann, 1981;  Piano accompaniment: Gregory Blann

Flowers are the Footprints of Thy Dancing Steps (vocals: Gregory & Sylvia Blann, Amidha Spears; flute by Lyte-Lois Hendrickson)



My Soul is Moved to Dance (vocals by G.Blann & Lyte [Lois Hendrickson] who is also on flute)



The Heart of man is Thy Sacred Shrine (Lead vocal by Lyte, accordian & vocals G.Blann)



Thou Art My Spirit (Chior; violin, Gabriel Silberman)



Thy Glorious Vision/ Ya Jamil (vocal Ram Goswami)



You Are Love (vocal Ram Goswami)



Did I Not Leave the Unseen World in Thy Pursuit? (vocal: Rick Brewer)



The Angels were Made to Sing (choir and lead vocal: Rick Brewer)



Waken Me Lord (vocals by Lyte & Gregory Blann: flutes by Lyte)



Hail to My Exile From the Garden of Eden to the Earth (choir; lead vocal by Lyte)



Thou Art My Life and Thou Art My Sustenance, God (choir)



Every Soul's Longing Am I (choir, lead vocal: Rick Brewer; violin, Gabriel Silberman)



When I Close My Eyes in the Solitude (choir, lead vocal and flute by Lyte)



Thy Voice Exalteth My Spirit (vocal: Marcia Brewer)



The Soul of Christ (violin, Gabriel Silberman; vocal: Marcia Brewer)



Why Have I Two Eyes? (Vocal: Linda Holloway; violins, Gabriel Silberman)



Thy Light Hath Illuminated the Dark Chambers of My Mind  (vocal & guitar Ram Goswami)



Let Me Feel Thine Arms Around Me (vocals: Gregory & Sylvia Blann, Amidha Spears; guitar, Peter Donets)



Lift the Barriers/Let Every Moment/Send on Humanity, Lord (choir, lead vocals: G.Blann and Lyte [plus flute], violin, G.Silberman)



Thou Art My Spirit (Live version in Unity Church; different choir & violinist)

03 My Soul is Moved to Dance.mp3
01 Flowers are the Footprints.mp3
05 The Heart of Man.mp3
06 Thou Art My Spirit.mp3
07 I Dare not Think.mp3
08 You Are Love.mp3
09 Did I Not Leave.mp3
10 The Angels.mp3
11 Waken Me Lord.mp3
12 Hail to My Exile.mp3
13 Thou Art My Life.mp3
14 Every Soul's Longing.mp3
15 When I close My Eyes.mp3
16 Thy Whisper.mp3
17 The Soul of Christ.mp3
18 Why Have I Two Eyes.mp3
19 Thy Light Hath Illuminated.mp3
20 Let Me Feel Thine Arms.mp3
21 Lift the Barrier Lord.mp3
22 Thou Art My Spirit performance.mp3

© 2019 Gregory Blann

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